"She is a beautiful piece of broken pottery, put back together by her own hands. And a critical world judges her cracks while missing the beauty of how she made herself whole again." - J.M. Storm

My name is Kirsten Stewart, and I dream of the day where every single woman on this planet navigates life through their womb intuition. This is where our power lies and once we connect to this piece of ourselves, our world will transform.

I tried to get pregnant for 5.5 years. I spent days in what I call a hellish nightmare, and I also spent days beaming with gratitude for how my journey forced me to connect with my womb space.

It was there that I discovered how sexy, how capable, and how fertile I actually was. The term infertility is thrown around like a sack of potatoes on a hot day (makes no sense), when it can actually be used to lead us on a path to womb enlightenment.

The beautiful practice of yoga and connection to self is a great way to start, and I can help you with that. SEE PACKAGES HERE

my conception story

After an arduous journey with IVF, my dream of holding my baby in my arms and feeling her warmth against my body came true on August 27, 2020. As I write this, she has just turned 1 and some day soon she will be walking along side me as I hold her hand. I kiss her tiny forehead after she falls asleep, I nourish her with wholesome foods and dance to Phish songs in our kitchen with Dad. I never thought we’d get here, literally living our dream.

During my 5.5-year journey to our IVF conception, I’d often close my tired, teary eyes and imagine the feeling of motherhood. The intensity of my longing was palpable and all-consuming. It was here that I turned to yoga and womb connection to learn to trust in our story, our timeline. I wouldn’t change any piece of it to meet her sooner - I am the mother I am today because of my suffering. I thank God every day for our story to bring her here.

It took me a long time to know how I can use my experience to support others. If you need someone to talk to when no one else has any idea what they're going through, call me. Struggling with fertility makes us feel more shame than I ever thought possible for one person to hold. It's lonely, it's dark, it seems to last a lifetime. I want to add, too, that you know what’s best for your body, so ignore advice from others that don’t understand. They mean well, but words sting and your story is for you to experience, not theirs.

Just because you haven't conceived yet does not mean that you are infertile. You can choose to create something new with every breath you take.

Joy Stew | Nurture, Grow is a space where we can gather share our stories. I can help you make simple lifestyle changes, including nutrition, yoga, and meditation that will help you through this dark time and boost your fertility. It would be my greatest honor to help you in your postpartum time as your doula.

I am going through this with you, and I've been in your shoes. I do not know exactly how you are feeling, but I want to provide space for you to feel whatever it is that you want to feel. I can help you find resources, alternative healing methods, and whatever you seek to help you through this difficult, yet incredibly beautiful time. Enjoy the space you have in your life right now for learning how to love yourself as much as you love your unborn babies.

Joy Stew (Kirsten) has helped me gain the courage to get out of bed each morning and face each new day. Before working with her, I felt hopeless and alone. With her guidance and support, I have a new outlook on my fertility journey. She inspires everyone she works with to trust their healer within.”
— Samantha Johnson